How to Get rid From Bad Breath

Are you suffering from bad breath ?? Do your friends try to stay away from you?  Bad breath I’d very common but people avoid to sit with the people having bad breath so person has to feel embarrass . Bacteria present in the mouth causes bad breath . Sulphur compound extracted from this bacteria causes bad breath. Sometimes, people are unaware of this problem. Bad breath occurs because if many problems like – yellow teeth, constipation and smoking. So here we are going to tell some tips to get rid of bad breath lifetime.

Requirement :- Any cooking oil

Procedure to use it :- 

  • Put 1-2 teaspoon of oil in your mouth for 10-15 minutes and rinse your mouth .
  • Clean your face with water after 20 minutes.
  • You will notice that the colour of oil has been changed . It proofs that trick is working. Firstly you will face some difficulty but soon you will find white teeth in few days.
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